Necoarc splash

its a cool necoarc splash i made

Necoarc splash
Neco Arc is all that I think of. Neco Arc is the best thing that I ever saw. It all started on Discord, on a videogame music server. I started seeing those gifs of a cute small catgirl dancing the gangnam style dance. It was very funny, but I continued with my life. Then, I saw it again. This time she was riding a car. The next one was the thing that made me realize how perfect this character is. Her little voice saying "dori dori dori dori" made me realize I just found the meaning of life. Neco Arc became my entire life after that. I will do anything to meet this perfect being. I want to hug her tightly while she purrs feeling comfortable in my arms. I will find a way to meet Neco Arc. I do not care what I have to do. I don't care anymore. I will do anything to meet Neco Arc. I want her to say "Gurenyuu" as she walks around, showing everyone what the perfect life is. Neco Arc will show us how to become better. Neco Arc is the new symbol of peace. Dori dori dori dori.
Luma3DS Splashes
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