Hey guys, its been a while :) This isn't gonna be a story, but more of an update on my life and where I've been. Thanks again to OrbitsLight for sticking with me through making this particular theme, school's been hectic with presentations and projects. Truth be told, I haven't had much inspiration for themes lately, because back then when I was frequent, I had time to think. Everything's so fast-paced, and I can barely keep up with myself. One way I've expressed myself was through streaming, you can find me on Twitch by typing fartedramen (because I'm the only one insane enough to make a name like that). I speak to chat about my life there and among many other things, I play with friends and have fun! But that's enough of my plug. School's been mentally draining, I need to prepare projects left, right and center and also add new things to my portfolio to prepare for my internship at a gaming company. Not sure which one I'll be assigned to, but I'm taking major steps in my life right now, and it can get overwhelming sometimes. I know others out there are feeling the same as well, which is why the best advice I can give them is to take things on one at a time, yet also find their limits. Humans can be amazing at whatever they set their minds to, but when things pile up excessively, something is bound to go wrong. Take a breather, cry if you want or need to (there's nothing wrong with it), and keep it moving, soldier. Go out there and smash that goal you had in mind because life is too short to always remain reserved. I believe in all of you, you all got this! Thanks for reading all of my rambling nonsense time after time, I really appreciate the feedback! Yes yes, even the "This is ThemePlaza" ones. I love all of you just the same HAHAH. Keep on smiling for me, alright?
~ FartedRamen, hopefully about to find a job