One of my "Rick and Morty" themes.
I created a variety of SFX from various episodes:
Cursor = "Yes" from Mr. Marklevitz in S01E04 "M. Night Shaym-Aliens!"
Launch = "Oh jeez, okay" from Morty.
Folder = "Nintendo, give me free stuff" from Rick in S02E04 "Total Rickall."
Scroll = "My man!" from the mailman in S01E04 "M. Night Shaym-Aliens!"
Close App = "Boo! Not Cool!" from the heads in S02E05 "Get Schwifty."
Wake Console = "I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me!" from Meeseeks in S1E05 "Meeseeks and Destroy."
Not sure what I was smoking when I made this, but here's Tinkles taking Summer to Never-Past-Bedtime Land. Be warned: listening to this song on repeat will drive you insane. That is the point of this theme, btw.