Panel de Pon/Puzzle League Panel

Almost all panels except for ACPL and Special Vs Panels in DS

Panel de Pon/Puzzle League Panel
I did not make these sprites, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems made them. Pokémon company/ Game Freak owns the Pokémon looking panels.
Garbage blocks designs are not included, will include them in a separate. Same applies to the character icons from the whole series. Not all games has the ! Panel or the Upside-down triangle Panel or their equivalents. (Gray/Blue panels;Not to be confused with the Sky blue looking Panels) List of games.
Panel de Pon (sfc)
Tetris Attack/Yoshi no Panepon (GB/SNES/SFC)
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge/Pokémon de Panepon + Debug Panels in the Lip mini game
Pokémon Puzzle League
Nintendo Puzzle Collection - Panel de Pon
Dr. Mario & Puzzle League/Dr. Mario & Panel de Pon/gba Npc mini game
Planet Puzzle League/Panel de Pon DS/Puzzle League DS/A little more... Puzzle League, Chotto Panel de Pon/Puzzle League Express (no special vs mode panels)
I haven't found a way to rip the Animal Crossing: Puzzle League/Dōbutsu no Mori Paneru de Pon panels yet.
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